Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Complete FX Trader


"Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach him how to fish and he will eat for a lifetime?.

This is the guiding principle that we adhere to.

Because of the years of experience teaching first timers how to trade the forex market, we have come up with a unique way of teaching and a better understanding of the needs of our students.

We don't make any assumptions and don't take anything for granted.

We understand that no one is born knowing how to trade; we must all begin the journey somewhere.

Our objective as mentors is to help our students understand the markets, what makes it tick, who are the true players, how to formulate trading strategies, how to think and trade like the absolute best traders in the world, to help you understand the psychology of trading and above all help you keep all the hard earned money you have earned.

This book is a focused study on the specifics of trading the forex market. When you complete this book, you will have learned a personal, step-by-step approach. No detail is hidden. You are "looking over my shoulders" as I explain how to trade the Forex market.

Click here for more nformation

Our aim is nothing short of having you retire from your day job within a year. Yes, you heard me right. This is a serious opportunity for those who recognize an incredible offer when they see one.

We're making this book available to the public because we recognize that not everybody has the resources to attend our $6,700 weekend forex training sessions.

Certainly there are no silly gimmick bonuses to add on this offer; This is the complete forex trader' s kit.

What we do offer is the same level of support that we offer our students who attend our classes; and that is unlimited email support to get you up and running. You will also get all the updates as they are released; we continuously update our materials for the new classes.

We understand this business and also understand that one needs coaching in order to become a killer trader in the biggest financial market in the world. You'll shorten your learning curve by months if not more.

Our support doesn't end with the purchase; we will "hold your hand" as you take your first steps. Our aim is to make you profitable from the first month and for that reason I only want to work with serious people.

Together we will demystify the foreign exchange market and discuss the methodology you will be able to put to work as soon as you finish this course.